Foothill SLI STEM Internship Scholarship: Summer STEM Internships (from Spring 2022 - Present)

Description: SLI Summer STEM Internships 2024

Through the Science Learning institute (SLI), Foothill College students will have an opportunity to engage in an internship either in research or industry, under the guidance of a mentor/ supervisor. Institutions and companies include Stanford University, UC Santa Cruz, and other tech companies in the Bay Area. Please see the Project Catalog before you fill out the application.

Find out more at SLI’s webpage:

Award amount and duration of internship: amount varies depending on internship selected

  • 15 hours per week for 9 weeks – $2600
  • 20 hours per week for 9 weeks – $3500

Scholarship payments will occur in two installments and will depend on successful completion at each stage: one in the middle of the internship and one at the end after completion of the final report and final presentation.

Important Dates
(make sure you can attend for all these days. Vacations and transfer schedules should accommodate these dates)

  • Mandatory training for all interns (2 options) – Tues, July 2, 2024
  • All internships start: week of July 8, 2024
  • All internships end: week of September 2, 2024
  • Final presentations – Thurs, Sept 5 and Fri, Sept 6 (two options)

If you are transferring to another institution in late summer/ fall 2024, keep in mind you are expected to finish your internship through the end date in order to get your full scholarship. If this is not possible, you will need to make other arrangements with SLI and your mentor/ supervisor BEFORE your internship starts.

Application deadline: Wednesday, May 1, 2024, 11:59pm

Internship requirements:

All internships require:

  • Summer enrollment in ITRN with Dr. Miloni Gandhi (depends on projected number of hours of internship). Course tuition will be covered by the Science Learning Institute or your financial aid.
  • A program orientation before the end of spring quarter and a training before the internship starts (7/2/24). These are run by the Science Learning Institute.
  • Submission of a final report of your internship experience at the end of the summer.
  • Final presentation in early September for an audience of all interns and mentors in the program.
  • Attendance at a biweekly (every other week) cohort seminar on professional development topics (included in your hours/week) – total of four seminars – all required.

All above activities/ sessions are included in the total hours of your internship, on top of the hours on your internship project.

Application Criteria:

  • Interest in STEM discipline(s). You don’t have to be a STEM major!
  • Review the “required skills” in the Project Catalog ( ) and make sure you meet the minimum requirements. For some projects, this may include advance coursework and for others there are minimal requirements.
  • Have completed at least 6 units at Foothill College in the winter 2024 quarter.
  • Be enrolled at Foothill College in spring 2024 for at least 6 units.
  • Have Foothill College as your primary school (more credits at Foothill College than at De Anza College).
  • Full completion of the application, including name and contact information of a faculty/staff reference and upload of a resume. A full letter of recommendation IS NOT required.

Priority Given To:

  • Students who have demonstrated financial need through completion of the FAFSA, CA Dream Act or an explanation of financial need in the supplementary questions.
  • We encourage you to fill out the FAFSA for 2023-24 if you haven’t done so already. This will greatly improve your chances of positive review, especially if you show high need.
  • Students who have not previously had an internship or company experience.
  • Students who have the intent to transfer to a 4-year university.
  • First time degree earners (no prior degree such as a Bachelor’s or Associate).

Application Requirements:

  • Fill out academicworks general scholarship application.
  • Fill out supplemental application questions, including uploading your resume.
  • Upload resume and unofficial transcript to scholarship portal.

Selection Process:
A team from SLI will work with the project mentors/ supervisors to review applications and then select candidates. Finalists may be contacted for an interview depending on the project. Review the Project Catalog ( for more details. Students may get more than one offer but can only accept one project. Final decisions will be made by end of May.

Supplementary Application Questions

Overall Instructions

  • Please answer the following questions completely and honestly.
  • For the first questions related to your choice of project, keep these points in mind:
  • Refer to the Project Catalog ( to make your choices.
  • You can only pick up to 5. Just pick up to 5 that you are most interested in. You don’t need to pick 5 if you’re only interested in fewer projects.
  • It is okay for the paragraphs to sound very similar to each other if some of the answers are related.
  • The “interest” paragraph will be included as part of your application for each project supervisor. Think of it as a short cover letter for each project.

varies depending on internship selected
Foothill College
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please select your top choice of project. Write a short paragraph that answers the following for this choice: 1. Number and short title of project 2. Why are you interested in this project and how do you meet the qualifications? 3. How do you see it advancing your academic and professional goals?
  2. Please select your second choice of project. Write a short paragraph that answers the following for this choice: 1. Number and short title of project 2. Why are you interested in this project and how do you meet the qualifications? 3. How do you see it advancing your academic and professional goals?
  3. Please select your third choice of project. Write a short paragraph that answers the following for this choice: 1. Number and short title of project 2. Why are you interested in this project and how do you meet the qualifications? 3. How do you see it advancing your academic and professional goals?
  4. Please select your fourth choice of project. Write a short paragraph that answers the following for this choice: 1. Number and short title of project 2. Why are you interested in this project and how do you meet the qualifications? 3. How do you see it advancing your academic and professional goals?
  5. Please select your fifth choice of project. Write a short paragraph that answers the following for this choice: 1. Number and short title of project 2. Why are you interested in this project and how do you meet the qualifications? 3. How do you see it advancing your academic and professional goals?
  6. Make sure to review the modality of the internship(s) you chose (in-person, remote, hybrid). Which modalities will you be able to participate in?
  7. Have you had a prior internship?
  8. If you have had a prior internship, please explain briefly.
  9. Are you a first time degree earner at Foothill College? (this means you have not completed any degrees at any other institutions)
  10. Are you taking 6 units of credit or more, for spring quarter 2024? This is a requirement for this internship.
  11. Please share if you are taking any courses for summer 2024. This is not required, but we recommend that you not take more than one class for the summer if you have a regular internship.
  12. We prioritize students who have demonstrated financial need or hardships. Please explain any circumstances that help describe your need for financial support. If this part is not filled out, your application may not receive consideration. One paragraph suggested.
  13. Please share the name, title, institution, and contact information (email address) of a faculty or staff member who knows you well. They may be contacted as a reference for your application. (If you are a SLI student, you cannot use Sophia as a reference.)
  14. Please upload your most recent resume.
  15. Please upload a copy of your current unofficial grade transcript from Foothill College. You can download your unofficial transcript by going into your Student Registration app in your MyPortal. Then My Records - View Unofficial Transcript
  16. Please share any final explanations or comments for the scholarship committee to consider when reviewing your application.
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