Foothill Henning Bundgaard Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is for a student who is involved in on-campus activities and clubs at Foothill College.

Minimum Qualifications:
1. At the time of the scholarship deadline, applicant must be enrolled in at least 12 units at Foothill College.

2. Applicant’s cumulative Foothill GPA must be a 2.50 or higher.

4. Applicant must demonstrate current involvement in on-campus activities at Foothill College.

5. Applicant must be enrolled in at least 6 units at Foothill College at the time of disbursement of scholarship funds.

Preferred Qualification:

1. Applicant is an active member of the Foothill College Leap club.

Special Instructions:
1. If you are selected as a recipient of this scholarship, you may be asked to provide a letter verifying that you are an active member of the Foothill College Leap Club.

Ling Bundgaard
$750 (1 award available)
Foothill College
Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you an active member of the Foothill College Leap Club?